(Source: 40×41: Midlife Crisis Postponed)
As a boy I disliked Brussels sprouts. Or I thought I did. The smell, at least, and the texture when they were boiled.
But that changed over the last four decades. An acquired taste? Evolving taste buds? Exposure to new recipes. Raw, shredded Brussels sprout “cole slaw” with freshly squeezed lime juice and olive oil. Or slow roasted after tossing with olive oil, salt and pepper, then served with sautéed mushrooms and crispy onions. Divine! (And your MyFitnessPal will love them!)
Here’s an earlier iteration of the Brussels sprouts still life above.
Related articles
- Brussels Sprouts Bonanza (adventuresofayankeebelle.wordpress.com)
- Brussels Sprouts, Chicken and Cashews (skinnyms.com)
- Blended Grains with Brussels Sprouts + Walnuts (freepeople.com)
- How to Make Veggies Tasty: Roasted Brussels Sprouts (atableforoneplease.com)
- Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Vinegar & Honey (dazzlingwhimsy.com)
- Curried Brussel Sprouts (fitchicla.com)
- Charred Brussels Sprouts Carbonara (shanehalbach.com)
- Sunday Suppers: Brussel Sprout Salad (controlfreakchronicles.me)
- Brussels Sprouts: From Blah to Oolala! (e-marginalia.com)