Halfway, July 1, 2016
Welcome to July, to [almost] Independence Day, to halfway-to-2017, to the second half of 2016. Welcome to a new day and a new month… ripe with potential. Ready… to start fresh once again. Rabbit, rabbit! *
It’s time to step out of the shadow of yesterday, yester-season, yesteryear. They’re all finished and with them, the doubts and setbacks and flops. Compost them. Blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in.* Compost them too.
It’s time to kick ass. Or [to] try to kick ass… No coasting. No doubting or blaming or self pity… Start Fresh! *** Summon curiosity and courage and caprice. Harness chutzpah. Lob long shots. And then settle in for the fanfare, fireworks, and Independence Day.
* This is a mashup of new and recycled words and thoughts. Italics indicate excerpts from previous posts or other sources. This first phoenix-from-ashes originally appeared in a post titled, “Rabbit, rabbit!“.
** Borrowed from Ralph Waldo Emerson. You can read his words, his full thoughts in a previous post titled “Start Fresh“.
*** Ibid