I shared this cobwebby, petroglyphic doodle on virtualDavis.com back in 2012. A prehistoric hare? A doodle dare hare? Both. But it’s also a rabbit. Rabbit, rabbit. Welcome to September!
Today’s a new month. A new chapter. A fresh start. A sparkling beginning bursting with possibility and potential. After an amazing blur of a summer, September offers a recalibration. Crisper temperatures. A sharper wit. Fewer decadent distractions. An almost-but-not-quite-forgotten speed bump at the end of summer. Back to school. Even at 44 years old, I still get that feeling. Reentry. Time to focus…
Doodle School
Good fortune wandered my way this summer: two opportunities to showcase my doodles in galleries. My gratitude continues to swell like a pumpkin dreaming of Halloween. Still green, but orange soon.
What are your favorite doodle techniques, tools, resources?
I offer due thanks to The Scribbler. Thanks for reminding me to shake it up! Unfamiliar with The Scribbler? Here’s what I said back in 2012.
The scribbler allows you to create a “generative illustration”… based on your drawing. And you can save it afterward by following the instructions on the left hand side of the screen. (Source: virtualDavis)
So I’ve decided it’s time to start experimenting again. No habits. No ruts. It’s time to go back to doodle school. To discover new approaches to doodles. Here’s a quick sailboat doodle to illustrate my embarkation on a new doodle journey. Please recommend your favorite doodle techniques, tools, resources. I’ll happily try them all out!

Sailboat Doodle (Doodle by Geo Davis with help from The Scribbler)
Vox Pops
What are your favorite doodling tools and techniques?
sharpie doodles!
— moosey goodness (@moosebot_art) September 1, 2016