Contours & Artifacts (Source: Geo Davis)
That image above is one of the “picture poems” I included in 40×41: Midlife Crisis Postponed and it combines contour drawings that I made in 1994 during my final year in college with abstractions from photographs that I took in Peru in 2011.
I’ve previously posted elements of “Contours & Artifacts” in Choice (June 4, 2012) and Wonder (December 21, 2013) if you’re curious about the evolution of my visual verses.
This old school selfie comes from that same art class.

1994 Contours, Self: snapshot of original in-class exercise
And this hand. A left hand, likely because my right hand was butchering the paper with a piece of charcoal…
Contour drawings from one of two art classes I took at my university. The other was a black and white photography class I snuck in at a neighboring college. More on that another time.
The photo-derived images (top right and bottom left in “Contours & Artifacts”) are part of a series of documentary images that I made while driving with my bride and parents in Lima, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, and other parts of Peru during the autumn of 2011. It was an incredibly right visual (and gastronomical) adventure, and I continue to mine those photographs today.