Cloudy Crepusculum (Source: Geo Davis)
Flying east from New Mexico to New Jersey the skies beyond our time capsule shift so gradually, almost imperceptibly from crystal-clear to obesely overcast. Bluebird skies at midday. Dramatic cloudbanks at dusk. Nearing our destination these inky ranges and valleys leak light from the NYC metro area below.
My mind meanders. A twinge of nostalgia, a tug for another nightcapped nightfall.

“Crepusculum” Excerpt (Source: Geo Davis)
Are yesterday’s verses tomorrow’s vinegar? Sometimes. Hopefully not always. Still keen on these crepuscular lines.
We fortify
With drink at dusk
Til heartened and hale
We wage stories,
Laughter and dance
Against the gloaming.
Flickering choirs
Of candles wink
At fireflies and stars
Until, nightcapped,
We sigh, retreat,
And seek dreams of dawn.
“Crepusculum” was included in Midlife Crisis Postponed. Listen to a recording of the full poem below.