I maintain that one of the biggest differentiators among people is curiosity. Some have it. Others do not.
Sure, that’s oversimplified, overly binary, etc. But I’m often reminded of the accuracy of this one difference in people’s wiring. Questions trump answers.
A reason editor’s note by Barry Boyce (Editor-in-Chief, mindful.org, October 2016) pondered the relationship, benefits, and pitfalls of connecting brain science and mindfulness. It’s a good quick read. And the penultimate paragraph offers this kernel of wisdom.

“Questions trump answers.” (Source: Barry Boyce, mindful.org)
If your eyes betray you when the black and white blur, here’s another swipe at those words of wisdom.
“The map is not the territory. And real science proceeds not from certain knowledge of how the whole thing works but from an unending curiosity about what is going on. Questions trump answers.” ~ Barry Boyce (Editor-in-Chief, Mindful, October 2016)
I favor that last sentence. It’s a personal mantra and has been for decades. But all three tidy truths are worth recapping:
- The map is not the territory. Ever.
- Science proceeds from curiosity.
- Questions trump answers.
Sketchy Notes: An Afterward
A couple of quick closeouts. First, a little more on Mr. Boyce:
A longtime professional writer, editor, and trainer specializing in applications of mindfulness and awareness to everyday life, Barry is editor of The Mindfulness Revolution and served as developmental editor for Congressman Tim Ryan’s books, A Mindful Nation and The Real Food Revolution. From 2008 to 2012, he wrote for the “Mindful Society” department of Shambhala Sun magazine. He is also coauthor of The Rules of Victory, an extended commentary on Sun Tzu’s Art of War. (Source: Mindful)
A man with whom I’ll become better acquainted. I’m looking forward to reading The Rules of Victory.
And, in case you too are a doodler, ever-anotating your reads with quirky “sketch notes”, then you might enjoy a Technicolor snapshot of the original magazine page where this quotation was published.

“Questions trump answers.” (Source: Barry Boyce, mindful.org)